Great Barrier Reef

About Ruben
Rapi Nui (Easter Island)
Alaska Cruise
Peru (Machu Picchu)
Beijing (Great Wall)
Xian (Terra Cotta Warriors)
Australia (Great Barrier Reef)

Another "Thing to do before I die" was to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia.  I was finally able to check it off my list.
Th GBR is best seen from up close or from outer space.  From sea level, it is interesting to find break waters a few hours from the shore line but not exactly breathtaking.  Here are a few pix that in no way do justice to the sights and colors that I saw underwater.
We took a boat out to the reef from Cairns (pronounced "cans") and returned to Cairns via helecopter.  It was a beautiful trip and gave us the best views from each prospective (on water, underwater and above water).

Great Barrier from space

Scuba Diving is like flying.  There is always something to swoop down to and get a better view.


Plus, there is always a bit of fear of what is around the bend or behind your back LOL (click on pic to see my photoshop fear)



Finding Nemo was fairly easy.  The Clown Fish lives in a special kind of poison sea anemone.  The Clown fish helps defend the anemone and the anemone feeds the Clown Fish with leftovers.  The family in the group is ruled by the females.  An interesting thing is that if a female dies a male changes sex and becomes a female.

There are many types of mean looking eels around.

Our boat as we flew away



On the copter flight back to Cairns we saw the reef from the air as well as a couple of whales.  It was a beautiful trip.